Vacation Bible School
Each year Redeemer is blessed to serve 100-130+ kids through its VBS program. Staffed with 60-70+ volunteers from our church, this has been a great program for Redeemer to reach out to kids in our neighborhood with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Redeemer’s VBS serves kids Preschool-5th Grade. Each grade has a two person teaching team as well as classroom assistants to help our VBS kids have a great time learning about Jesus for one week in June each year.
Outside of their daily lessons in each class, kids enjoy sports and recreation, crafts, music, snack, and other great activities. The VBS week ends with two programs on Friday around noon. One program for the Preschool VBS students is held in Redeemer’s Children’s Chapel, while the K-5 program concludes in the Sanctuary.