Fellowship Events
Acts 4 tells us that the first Christians were: “devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer…All believers were together and had everything in common.” Life together as brothers and sisters in Christ has always been a part of Christ’s Church. It’s no different today. And it’s no different at Redeemer.
Below you find just a few of our yearly activities that encourage us to gather together in prayer, devotion, and fellowship with one another outside of Sunday mornings. If any of them interest you, check them out!
Advent By Candlelight
Each Advent Redeemer sponsors a night by ladies, for ladies. Forget the presents, shopping, cards, decorations, cooking, work, kids programs for one night, and come and relax and enjoy an evening celebrating the reason for the season. Tables are decorated by theme, there are desserts, music, Christmas carols, and the Christmas story. Around 120+ ladies attend this event each year.
Sweetheart Dinner
Put on around Valentine’s Day each year, this is a great night out with a spouse or friends. Enjoy fine dining and great entertainment at Redeemer. This event doubles as a fundraiser for youth to go on their annual servant event.
Trunk or Treat
Each year 300-500 people walk across Redeemer’s campus at this event. Members decorate their car trunks, dress up in costumes, and hand out candy to kids from our neighborhood. Information about Redeemer and a free dinner is also a part of this fellowship activity each year. Don’t miss it!
Family Fall Hay Ride
Every Fall 40-70 people enjoy Redeemer’s annual hay ride, cookout, and sing-a-long. There is nothing like a hayride, bonfire, s’mores, great songs, and great people on a brisk fall evening!
Family Swim Party
In the hot summer sun each year Redeemer rents a local pool for an evening and invites the congregation to come and enjoy it together. Around 75+ people attend each year, especially when the weather cooperates! Come and cool off!
Rally Day
Each September we kick off our educational events with Rally Day. On a Sunday afternoon, Redeemer gathers at a local park or on our own campus, and has a tremendous luncheon, games, bounce house, clowns, entertainment, cotton candy machine and other things to celebrate the new school year. Every September, Sunday school kicks off the new year (moving kids up a grade), confirmation begins, along with many other adult education programs Redeemer offers.
Reformation Festival
We celebrate our Christian faith as drawn out by our Lutheran heritage. Each year Redeemer sponsors a Lincoln area Reformation Festival including a worship service with guest preachers and musical groups, a German Dinner with an Oom-pah Band, along with occasional guest lecturers or musical recitals. Watch your bulletin or newsletter for details about this event each year!
Advent & Lenten Dinner
Redeemer’s Lenten and Advent services are at 4PM and 7PM each Wednesday in their respective church seasons. Between services, great dinners are served for the ease of our worshipers, convenience of working families, and as a way to create more fellowship between our members. Watch for the menus to be published!
Mother/Daughter Tea
Held each Spring, this is a great forum for mothers and daughters to spend time together each year over tea, desserts, and a short program. This is hosted each year by Redeemer’s ladies group: Women of Redeemer!
Father/Son Camp Out
In the early summer each year, fathers and sons are invited to spend a few days away from work and family and take time to be together. This is a great way for fathers to spend time specifically pouring into their sons and strengthening their relationships with them.
Christmas Caroling
Gathering each December on a Sunday afternoon, a jolly band of Redeemer members goes to share Christ through Christmas carols with Redeemer’s homebound and assisted living members. This is a great inter-generational activity to be a part of. Come and lift your brother and sister’s spirits, and your own with God’s Word in song each December!
New Member Luncheon
A couple of times a year, Redeemer gathers all new members together for a catered luncheon as a way for them to get to know one another and be embraced by their new faith family. A tour of our campus is included along with some gifts from the congregation that are given to each household.