Gospel Mailers
Gospel Mailers, a local mission organization housed at Redeemer, gathers Scripture, Luther’s Small Catechisms, English dictionaries and Concordia Sunday School materials to send to the West African countries of Liberia and Gambia. (English is the official language of both nations.). We work under the direction of Orphan Grain Train, which informs us of the needs and ships our boxes. Orphan Grain Train’s Liberian contact wrote: “There is a tremendous void, even to the point of many pastors not owning a Bible – not to mention most lay people…Bibles and especially small catechisms are the most critical need of all. “ The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Liberia, our sister Synod, has 11,000 members, 350 congregations and 30 schools. Gambia’s Lutheran presence is smaller, but teaching sound biblical Lutheran doctrine remains a high priority there as well.