Missionary Jonathan Clausing (Kenya)
Rev. Jonathan and Anita Clausing serve the Lord as career missionaries through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Eastern Africa, based in Kenya. As the coordinator of this area’s Mission Training Center (MTC) programs, Jonathan supports existing MTC programs by teaching lay leaders, evangelists and trainers and providing oversight and encouragement to local coordinators. He also cultivates new requests for MTCs into functioning projects and maintains, develops and provides translation supervision for the MTC curriculum.
Please pray for the entire Clausing family as they serve in East Africa. Ask God to give them strength and peace as they transition to life overseas as missionaries. Pray that the Word of God takes root and bears the fruit of faith in the lives of the East Africans who hear it. Please also pray the hearts of people here in the United States are moved to pray for and to financially support the Clausings so they can “go with” this family on their journey of faith. Let us give thanks to God that the Clausings have answered His call to serve in this part of the world.
Keep-up with the Clausing family and their efforts in East Africa thorough their blog.