Individual Confirmation Instruction
Confirmation Is Individualized
Redeemer is proud to offer its youth a unique experience in confirmation instruction. Instruction is individualized along a carefully prepared curriculum meant for students to work through on their own each week. Since instruction is individualized, students proceed at their own pace and do not have to worry about missing a time or two due to family vacation or illness. Each week they can just pick up right where they left off. Individualized confirmation also means that curriculum and instruction can be tailored to help students who might have special needs or require more attention.
Confirmation Involves Students & Parents
Each student’s mother or father is encouraged to accompany their child to confirmation each week. They are their child’s first resource to help with questions that might arise from the curriculum. If a child’s father or mother is unable to be with them regularly, we encourage grandparents to fill in when needed.
Confirmation Times
From September through April each year, confirmation is held every Wednesday from 3:30-7:30PM. Students are encouraged to come between either 3:30-5:30PM or 5:30-7:30PM. We ask that each student stay as little as one hour or as much as 2 hours. Since confirmation is individualized, the more time spent in confirmation each week, the quicker the student can complete their work each year. The 4 hour time window for confirmation each Wednesday allows a wide time for families to still be able to be a part of other school activities, as well as have plenty of time for confirmation on the same evening.
Confirmation Grade Levels
Redeemer’s confirmation program begins in 6th grade and is completed by 8th grade. Though you can progress at your own pace through our program, students are not allowed to advance beyond their own grade level from year to year. In other words, no matter how diligently you work through the curriculum, there is no being confirmed as a 6th or 7th grader!
Confirmation Curriculum
Each year, the student needs to complete the number of units assigned for their grade level. Each unit is made up of individual lessons. Lessons draw on a great number of written resources, audio recordings, and DVDs/videos for the students to complete them. After all the lessons are completed for a particular unit within a year, students are led through a small group discussion on each unit by a pastor. Memory work is also a very important part of Redeemer’s confirmation instruction.
Pastors and DCE
As students get done with each lesson, they are checked over and clarified by the Pastors and DCE. One of the pastors leads small group discussions on each unit. Both the Pastors and DCE regularly listen to student’s memory work and makes sure no one is falling too far behind in the program. Again, the parents are to serve as the first line in answering their child’s questions on any given lesson. If they cannot find answers, the pastors and DCE are always ready and happy to listen, be a resource, and help!