LWML Mites
Your Mite Box
Each year the Women of Redeemer give out cardboard mite boxes to the congregation on LWML Sunday. Our ladies do this with the hope that each household of Redeemer collects its spare change into their mite box. Then, like the widow at the Temple in the New Testament, each household gives their mites to the church.
Redeemer’s Mite Box
On the third Sunday of each month, a huge wooden mite box is set up in Redeemer’s main narthex, and all the loose change from all the household mite boxes is collected together for distribution to national and international mission projects by the Women of Redeemer (WOR). WOR is Redeemer’s LWML group.
What Your Mites Can Do
If you don’t have a Mite Box, then grab one in the narthex and start saving your change. Take a look at how mighty your little mites can be when gathered with everyone else by clicking here.